Adventurous Miqo'te

Fahndae Mer'kai

  • Adventurer | Alchemist | DoL | Metal Worker

Fahndae is a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te and an arcane prodigy!This Keeper is a feral, multi-talented individual. Smart in many regards, yet lacks basic knowledge in many others. Despite this lack of basic knowledge, she is not only an adventurous Mage, but a Healer, Alchemist, Botanist, Metalworker of all types, as well as a Samurai and Reaper of her own make.

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About Fahn

Physical Appearance

Name:(Fahn-day Mare-Kai)
Relatives:Meryl-Kai (mother) Dae-Trech (father); both deceased. Vahji-Trech (brother); active
Sexual Preference: (Currently Unknown to her)Bisexual; leans more towards men
Race Preference (Currently Unknown to her)Miqo'te, Hyur, Au Ra (female)
Race/Clan:Mystel/Miqo'te; Keeper of the Moon
Home:Eorzea; Adventures the wilderness, no true place to call home
Birthplace:Norvrandt; Lakeland. Outskirts of Holminster's Switch
Weight:115 lbs
Hair:Natural Black hair
Skin Color:Pale White
Tail Type:Long and thin, slightly poofy with Black fur.
Features:Soft and smooth skin, sensitive to the touch. Hair tips are often dyed green; dyes the end of her tail to match her hair. Few small and hardly noticeable scars by her neck and thighs, highly noticeable scar above her left eyebrow and through her left eye
Jewelry:Ears are pierced, usually with a unique glowing Allagan-like jewelry and has her Belly Button pierced
Others:Often wears a loose choker with a necklace under it. Also ties a ribbon on the end of her tail.


One thing to note about her is her childhood was a feral one. Completely animalistic with no sense of civility, but has since been doing her best to learn and understand what she can. When unable to understand what's being said to her, she'll slowly grow more and more frustrated, either until she learns or until she gives up trying to learn from others and/or attempt to teach herself.Growing up alone with nothing but a baby Amaro, one would think she'd grow to develop a sort of loner personality, yet she's very bubbly and unafraid to approach anyone. She's very restless and always wants to go somewhere for her next big adventure.

Side Info

  • Fahndae has had a scar over her left eyebrow ever since she was a kid. Just like with most of her childhood, she has no idea how she got it.

  • Few people have had a romantic interest in Fahn, but she herself has only had 2 interests in her lifetime. Without knowing what a romantic relationship is or what feelings she was going through, she chose to ignore them, since thats all she knew she could do, and heavily struggled to. 1 being a female Miqo'te, and the other a Male Miqo'te.

  • She is easily startled by people who touch/bump into her. Primarily due to her growing up skittish, but her skin is also quite sensitive to the touch. Not sensitive in a way that hurts at least, but rather feels good for her. This has boosted her love of things on the more revealing side, such as Cropped Tops, Mini-Skirts, Shorts, etc

  • Taking care of Fahn relates more to taking care of a talking pet rather than another human/humanoid. She tends to enjoy some simple things that many pets like. If she's having a rough day, sometimes all it takes to brighten her mood is to feed her, scratch her ears, cuddle up with her, and/or give her belly rubs. While this may be weird to some, it's harmless and completely normal to her since she lacks things like shame or embarrassent.

  • Fahn's parents both had high reserves of their own Aether. She inherited this and is doubled compared to both of theirs combined. People who are experienced with Aether can sense that her reserve is not only beyond abnormally high, but that something is a bit off with it as well; not only able to read her Aether Signature and the Voidsent's bound to her, but a mysterious 3rd Signature as well.


Should one wish to engage with her, she's an easily approachable individual and just about anyway could work. Here's a few for ideas in case one can't find a good one to go with:

  • Fahn was once a fugitive in the Gridanian areas. Though its been a few years since, and even been resolved, some people might still recognize her face among the Coeurl Poachers.

  • Being that she was once a part of the Coeurlclaw poachers, one might have heard mention of her name if they too were once a part of them.

  • Fahn is many things, and a Healer is one of them. If one were to be injured and she was nearby, maybe she came to their aid.

  • She's a Dancer as well. Though not locked to 1 specific location, she travels and preforms in various places if the property owner allows it. From whole organized venues to local bars. Maybe you recognize her face (or body) from a place she's danced at.

  • Her mount is an Amaro, which is a very strange creature to be seen flying over Eorzea. Perhaps you saw the 4-winged beast and wanted to investigate.

  • Fahn sometimes gets carried away on her travels and forgets to care for herself, often leading to her appearing injured or starving. Could always lend a hand in these troubling times.

  • She travels a lot, from Eorzea to Kugane and in-between. One could simply bump into her (figuratively or literally) and strike up a conversation through similar interests.

  • Fahn works a lot gather plants or mining minerals for use in her Alchemy concoctions or her metalworking skills. Maybe her services were required to brew a potion/antidote or to fix armor/weapon(s), or maybe you simply wanted jewlery crafted.

Others (Modded)



